Your journey begins here.

We provide a rapid detox process and long-term treatment. You want to be better now, so we’ve designed a medically-proven detox program that typically takes just a few days. Then, once you’re clean, we walk with you for weeks and months with on-going treatment, counseling and support to prevent slips, relapses and new addictions.

2250 Reed Station Pkwy Suite 204
Carbondale, IL 62901

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Amy Kinzie

RecoverUS  >  Amy Kinzie
Amy Kinzie - RecoverUs Centers

Amy Kinzie



Amy Kinzie is a Functional Nutrition & Health Educator for RecoverUS Centers. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with her B.S. in Biomedical Science and Clinical Nutrition from the National University of Health Sciences. She has worked as a naturopathic practitioner and health educator at various clinics in the Chicagoland area. She completed her internship with functional blood chemistry analysis and metabolic nutrition with Jim Marlowe, a chief nutritionist from the Mercola Clinic.

Amy specializes in nutritional solutions for adults and children with complex chronic illnesses, including allergies, auto-immune disease, cancer, hormone balance, Lyme disease, migraine headaches, mold illness, and food sensitivities.  Amy is an important component of the medical team at RecoverUS Centers, who also offers treatments and programs for individuals who suffer from addiction, anxiety and depression  Our program offers comprehensive IV infusions and care for those who travel from throughout the country to be treated at our clinic for individualized customized care, said Amy  “-It’s wonderful to watch their transformation to better health and sobriety”

The inspiration for the work she has chosen comes from her health journey. “At the age of 19, I became very ill with a rare auto-immune disease that shut down my digestive system. I also developed asthma, migraines, muscle wasting, and lost the ability to eat solid foods. At a young age, I learned that conventional medicine had very little to offer in the way of helping someone truly heal. If I wanted to truly heal, I knew I needed to find the right teachers and take responsibility for my health.”

After working with a nutritionist who introduced her to the benefits of ancestral foods and a chiropractor who developed a homeopathy system, Amy’s health started to improve.

Amy had gone back to study nutrition in a traditional university setting and then was fortunate enough to train with some of the same doctors who had helped her heal. She now implements those same methods to help others find freedom from chronic illness.

Her goal is to forge a partnership with each client that empowers them to take responsibility for their health. She employs various methods such as functional analysis of blood and lab results, metabolic typing, Nutritional Reflex Technique muscle testing, nutrigenomic/nutritional therapy, and homeopathy.

She believes the reason for illness, weight problems, and mood disorders is too many toxins (whether they are viral, bacterial, emotional, or environmental) and not enough nutrients or the proper form of the nutrients. “The body always wants to be healthy and is always striving toward health. My goal is to help clients to unlock their inner doctor, or rather the innate healing capacity that lies within each of us.”


Ready to make your appointment with Amy?

Call or Text us TODAY!

We also have a convenient online form you can fill out. Once the intake form has been received one of our Coordinators will be in touch!

618-519-9444 or 618-203-3305 

RecoverUS Centers