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At RecoverUs, Our Team of Licensed Professionals Has one Focus…Your Path to Brain Recovery / Optimization.
We are different than any other facility in the country because of our unique and complete approach to your brain health. As you progress through this site, you will better understand our specific approach and how it could help you or your loved one to Release/Recover/Restore ™ your brain and your body. It’s a process we’ve been developing for over 40 years and are excited to join you on your journey to naturally better brain health without the effects of addiction and premature aging. We want you to live the longest, fullest life you can.

Your journey begins here.
You will notice immediately that RecoverUS is different. It begins the moment you decide to begin your recovery journey with us. From our treatment objectives to our programs to the way we treat our clients and their families, you will find no other partner like us. Our dedicated, focused and professional staff uses the most up-to-date and proven treatment methods available. Brain Recovery and Brain Optimization and longevity are our specialty.
Our goal has always been to offer safe, physician-guided recovery options and programs that work. At RecoverUS, our goal is for you to live a life of freedom. Our services are effective, fast and confidential with a long-term focus including nutritional care, life coaching and other support systems.

Detox & Recovery
We understand you’ve probably experienced relapses in the past and that’s why we focus on the end game, a drug free life. While it may be hard to imagine, it is possible. If you or a loved one is experiencing issues with addictions of any kind, find answers here.
Call Now 1-618-519-9444

Brain Optimization
When you optimize your Mind/Body with RecoverUS protocols, the goal is to feel mentally sharper and alert, lower your physical stress, improve your cognitions and mental processing for weeks/months to follow with one convenient and fast treatment.
Call Now 1-618-519-9444
Treating the whole person on their road to recovery

Brain Recovery & Brain Optimization
At RecoverUS, our specialty is brain recovery and brain optimization. Whether your challenge is addiction, or when you are just feeling “off” mentally, or feeling “older” than you should, we shine through.
Brain recovery and optimization is the process of challenging the brain to develop optimal fundamental skills that are necessary for learning and longevity. We accomplish this task by bathing the brain in specific Vitamins, co-enzymes, and Amino Acids which are the precursors to proper neurological restoration and function. Then we balance and synchronize your brain via therapies including Neuro-Feedback, nutritional supplementation and lifestyle changes all geared to improve your life. Our trademarked process of Release/Recover/Restore®, helps your brain to release old patterns and build new ones.
Why not be your best…every day?
Financial Assistance Available with your Detox/Recovery and Brain Optimization
Brain Optimization refers to being able to maximize brain function. As we age our brain follows a similar path as our body. It slows and does not reproduce cells at a rate compared to our younger days. We experience a phase of life termed Senescence or loss of the cells ability to divide and grow.
IV Vitamin Therapy
Brain Optimization is our focus at Recover US. Environmental factors, genetics, nutrition, and stress all play an important role in brain health. Our programs are designed to boost brain Recovery and address multiple areas of total body/brain health. By coupling IV Vitamin therapy with the beneficial NAD boost, patients experience more mental clarity, better focus, improved cognition, and a boost of energy.
Neurological feedback is a simple yet most effective process – Neurofeedback starts with a brain map. A cap fitted with special sensors fits on your head to measure your brainwave activity and help us understand which protocols will provide the best possible results. The protocols are overlaid on your choice of a television show and you simply watch the show and the protocol will retrain your brain.
Nutritional Therapy
Our nutritional approach includes access to a 40 year line of nutritionals which are designed to aid the body in its return to optimized health. With brain health at the core, overall body health can respond to the same approach. What’s good for one is good for the entire body.
Why not be your best….every day? At RecoverUS our staff understands how you feel. When you are just “off” mentally, or struggling with the effects of just feeling “older” than you should, we shine through. Our trademarked protocols for NAD+ are specific and customized to your individual needs. No one wants to appear old or feel the effects of slowing down and our plan for you is quite the opposite. Why not feel more energized, more alert and younger than you can imagine.
Alcoholism is perhaps the biggest addiction facing us today. In fact, 7 percent of Americans ages 18 and older have an Alcohol Use Disorder. Simply put, more people are addicted to alcohol than any other substance. Many of them don’t think it’s a big deal. “I can quit any time,” they tell themselves (and their families). The trouble is they can’t. With withdrawal symptoms that range from challenging to deadly, alcoholism is something that just shouldn’t be dealt with alone and unsupervised.
Opiates are among the most addictive of all drugs and the can cause dependence even on first-time use. An addiction to opiates is not a sign of weakness; it’s an inevitable outcome for many unsuspecting people. Opiates like Heroin and OxyContin for example, highjack the brain’s production of endorphins – the chemicals that make you naturally feel happy. Our Rapid Opiate Detox removes these harmful chemicals in a process that can take just several days and allows you to return to normal drug free life.
Heroin, referred to as big H, horse, hell dust, and smack is an opioid drug made from morphine, a natural substance processed from poppy plants. It can be taken by injection, sniffing, snorting, or smoking. Heroin enters the brain rapidly and attaches to opioid receptors in the brain and the gut, especially those involved in feelings of pain and pleasure, heart rate and breathing.
Suboxone® has long been the medical standard for breaking the addiction to opiates. Many people can take this prescription narcotic with minimal side effects for extended periods of time. Others may not “feel like themselves” when taking this medication, even for short periods. If Suboxone® is working for you, we encourage you to continue with your physician and their recommended protocols.
If Suboxone® is not working as well as you had hoped, there are additional medically approved protocols which might be the answer for you. Our medical team will assess your situation and make recommendations based on your specific needs and preferences. We are here to help.
Quitting Suboxone® is a process tailored to your needs, based on length of time taking the drug, and your personal medical history. There is no hospitalization and no general anesthesia needed with our program, and, our system minimizes the discomfort from withdrawal. Every case is different, and we customize your care based on your individual needs. You can rest assured; we are here for long-term support.
Methadone can be a lifesaver for people struggling with severe opiate/heroin addiction. By replacing heroin or high-dose painkillers with a legal prescription alternative, many people can regain their lives. For some, this narcotic prescription drug offers hope and a solution to their severe addiction.
At RecoverUS, we do not prescribe narcotics including Methadone. There are specific licensed facilities dedicated to prescribing this drug and daily patient care. We are happy to refer you to one of these facilities if Methadone is your choice. We focus on those not wanting to take this drug but have nowhere to turn. If this is your case, we will consult with you, examine your individual wants and needs and then formulate a specific, medically accepted approach to help reduce your dependence on this prescription narcotic. Our hope is for a clear and bright drug-free future.
Note: Only medical evaluation can determine the specifics of your individual case and determine the best approach to withdrawal from Methadone dependence.
In summary, if Methadone therapy is working for you, we suggest you continue with your current physician and therapy. If you are looking for a different approach, we may be able to help.
Cocaine, nicknamed Blow, Coke, Crack, Rock, Snow, increases levels of the natural chemical messenger dopamine in the brain. It attaches to the reward centers of the brain. Cocaine prevents your natural dopamine from being recycled internally, and builds up between nerve cells, stopping their communication.
There’s a whole family of medications called Benzodiazepines, designed to calm nerves or prevent panic attacks, to help you sleep and to help you deal with anxiety. These drugs, like Xanax, work at first, but over time, patients rely on more and more doses and the results seem to be less and less. Eventually, there’s no stopping, no weaning off of the medicine. It becomes an addiction.
Prescription Drugs
No one sets out to get hooked on prescription drugs; it’s a dependency that starts quietly and with little warning. The medicines you might take provide healing and relief, but unfortunately many of them also are highly addictive. What starts out as a simple solution can quickly grow into a crippling dependency.
Pain Medication
The list of Opioid pain medications include: Codeine, Morphine, Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Roxicodone, Hydrocodone,Tramadol, Methadone, Hydromorphone, Tapentadol, Anileridine, Levorphanol, Buprenorphine, Suboxone, Fentanyl, and more.
Methamphetamine “Meth”, can be injected, snorted, or smoked, and is a highly addictive drug that affects the brain and central nervous system. It releases a quick high when injected or smoked but as dopamine levels in the brain are taxed, the user needs more and more to just feel “normal”. When methamphetamine is injected or smoked it immediately produces an intensely pleasurable sensation known as a “rush” or a “flash.” It does so by releasing high levels of dopamine in the brain.
Marijuana is indeed an addictive substance and the rate of addiction to marijuana has risen for all age groups, including teens. Statistics show one in six adolescents who use “pot” develop an addiction. Addiction to marijuana is similar to those of any other addictive substance. Signs of addiction include increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms when abstaining, increased consumption over weeks and months, spending significant time and focus on the drug, and societal withdrawal.
Nicotine is both a stimulant and a sedative. Nicotine gives the body a quick boost in energy often described as a “kick.” This is partly due to nicotine causing the release of adrenaline by your adrenal glands, a powerful stimulant to your body. It causes your heart rate to increase, breathing to increase, and shift in blood pressure. Nicotine also promotes decreased pancreatic function resulting in a slight increase in blood sugar.
Recover From Alcohol
Alcoholism is perhaps the biggest addiction facing us today. In fact, 7 percent of Americans ages 18 and older have an Alcohol Use Disorder. Simply put, more people are addicted to alcohol than any other substance. Many of them don’t think it’s a big deal. “I can quit any time,” they tell themselves (and their families). The trouble is they can’t. With withdrawal symptoms that range from challenging to deadly, alcoholism is something that just shouldn’t be dealt with alone and unsupervised.

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