Breaking Through Recovery
September is Recovery Awareness Month, and our number one focus is replacing the fear of withdrawal symptoms with the power of withdrawal management. Fear of withdrawal is an early obstacle that must be overcome in the recovery process.
Anyone that’s attempted sobriety knows how unmanageable the symptoms can be if left untreated. This pain can keep people who use substances from continuing on the road to recovery and discourage them seeking treatment.
RecoverUs Centers uses a device that can help you alleviate the symptoms and the pain while going through withdrawal. Our all natural therapy is based on your individual case and is given by specially trained staff under the supervision of a licensed medical physician.
If you’d like to learn more about our recovery protocol, watch some of our previously posted videos and join us here for the rest of Recovery Awareness Month. We have explanations of how the withdrawal management device works and can help you.
At RecoverUs we are committed to helping you get the care you need. If you’re interested in learning more about recovery with RecoverUs Centers, please call us at 618-519-9444.
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